Global Pandemic: Day 5

Gov. Cuomo has ordered all non-essential businesses to shut down, basically. He has told all NYers to stay home and stay inside. You can go out to walk the dog and take a walk but you do it alone.

Despite the pandemic creeping closer and closer, I feel much less stressed about it when I hear the plans that NY has in place. Perhaps, it's the way my mind works. I am calmed when I know there is a plan. Winging it, impromptu BS, and "we'll see when we get there" make me anxious. And that seems to be the state of the Feds recently. I like to know there is a plan; even if I don't know (or understand) all the details, the fact that a plan exists gives me comfort.

So onto some artwork for today. I actually finished this yesterday but as I only did more snarky cat cards today, I'll share it here.

This is one of my art journals. The Color Palette journal. I use a color palette from one of my Pinterest boards to make a spread. This palette was given a little license as blue was not on the palette. But in times like these, I don't need any more rules.

Here's my tip for the upcoming weekend:
Turn off the news. Get your headlines ONCE then turn it off.
You know what you need to do. Stay home. Wash your hands.
Stay well.


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