So now, I'm just going to use it for my art journey. In this way, I hope to be more deligent about posting to it. If not with pictures, then with words. My delimas, my excitement, my projects, my venting, my frustrations, my insights...whatever.
Not everything here will deal with letterboxing, but with my crafty artsy endeavors. I'm hoping to document a journey.
The blog name was "Wyvern's Creations" then I changed it to "Letterbox Creations" and now I've just called it "Sometimes Wy". Mostly because my artsy stuff is done for letterboxing purposes but not all the time, so it's only "sometimes" done as "wyvern". A play on the vowels; a, e, i, o, u and sometimes y. Sometimes you fit and sometimes you don't, but you have to be comfortable with both.
I keep the orginal web addy as it's still applicable.
I have been away. Life happens. I have missed my blog so comes the resuscitation. It's ALIVE!
Note: No letterboxing here anymore. Art and venting only.