The New Normal: Phase 2: Day 3

My part of the world is in Phase 2 of reopening in NY State. Lots of people can go back to work, stores can open with loads of guidelines in place, masks must be worn everywhere, social distance should be observed when possible, and barbers/hair salon stylists must be tested for Covid-19 every 2 weeks. Still no restaurant seating or large gatherings of any type.

Except of course for protests. RIP George Floyd.

With the impending apocalypse, I decided to work in my Color Palette Journal. The random palette selected this time was one of sea and sky. You can see my selections on my Pinterest board.

So as you can see, it's mostly an ombre of turquoise. Naturally you think of the sea and the photo inspires that. 

But today...
well, today, I just went here.

I admit that it doesn't look like much but it's the sky and the sea. It's peace. It's the wordless, undefined feeling in my heart. It's indistinct but hopeful. It's looking to the horizon, and seeing the incoming warmth that chases off the chill of the fog and spray of the sea. 
It's not Today. It's Tomorrow.
All of our Tomorrows out there past the sea rising to the sky.

Hang tight, all. 
Stay safe. Wash your hands. Wear a mask.
Speak up. Speak out.


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