Global Pandemic: Day 40

Today is the day. I feel quite accomplished.

I did my laundry, made a chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream frosting, deposited my government stimulus check, received my unemployment benefits, and managed not to comment on any posts about President Trump's medical "expertise". (Damn, I used to think we couldn't sink much lower than George W. in the "stooopid" department. 
George: Mission Accomplished!
Trump: Hold my beer...)

I also managed to complete a few journal pages. This one is in the Color Palette Journal.
Follow my Pinterest board for the selection of palettes I choose from for this journal. Once I complete a spread with the palette I remove it from the board. If you're on Pinterest and see an interesting Palette, feel free to share it with me. I do have over 200 pins on the board currently, so it has to be pretty interesting and unique for me to pin any more to the board right now. Make sure it's a good one!

Here's the palette that was randomly selected:

I call it: Hydrangea 1943. While I love the colors individually in this palette, combining them into a page was a bit challenging.  I found the baby pink on the end to be the most difficult to incorporate. It's not that I couldn't find that color in my stash, somewhere. It was the fact that it seems to be a warm shade of pink while the rest of the palette encompasses cool tones. So I decided to pair the two pinks on the end together as sort of a dark and light shade and put the rest in the background.

Looking at the palette again, I can see where a couple of my colors may be stretching the bounds as my "dark" pink is a bit too warm and my periwinkle color is a bit too light. The middle color I interpreted as a fuchsia but on my screen here, it appears almost as a soft purple. But the exercise was fun just the same, even if my page isn't a head-turner.

I just used this Dylusions rabbit in a Dyalog Day by Day page but the expression on it's face is so mean looking that I find it funny. (Maybe this bunny took some of Dr. Trump's advice!) The photos' color didn't come out very true and I could only make so many adjustments. The bunnies bow, as well as the darker "coral" color, is actually more of a lipstick pink and the bunny itself is a baby pink.

As I said, I'm not thrilled with the resulting page but I'm putting it on the books as a finished project.

Stay safe, Stay home.
Wear your masks!
Do NOT inject or ingest disinfectant or bleach.
This too shall pass.


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