Global Pandemic: Day 23

While I got nothing completed, I did get some stuff colored.

I'm calling it a win for a day that just didn't feel right.
Our County is seeing a spike in Covid cases. I'm pretty sure it's because many have not been social distancing as they should. It may also have to do with the fact that almost everyone is considered an "essential" worker. The county sheriff issued a travel advisory and asked that no one travel unless for essential stuff like work, groceries, or med appts. It's a good and bad thing. For those small businesses that are hanging on because they are essential like gas stations and retail grocers, it may see a downtick in business that was already spiraling down. But I think the more important thing is that it will force people to stay home.

THAT is what will end this.

I'm going to stop these blog posts for awhile as I feel I'm putting too much pressure on myself to accomplish something everyday. I don't need to do that. I'm going to roll with this and do what I can do. If I have a photo or project to share, I'll post. Otherwise, I may go quiet for awhile.

I need to allow myself to put this free time toward projects that have been waiting a long time for my attention.

As Rachel Ray says, "We'll see ya when we see ya."



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