Global Pandemic: Day 18

Once again, no fresh artwork.

I went to the store to get groceries. Walmart. I went as early as I could and it wasn't quite as bad as I expected. There were some folks who didn't seem to consider social distancing that important but no children, no coughs, no major problems. I did manage to self check out but realized after getting to the register that it only processed credit/debit cards. No big deal except for the fact that my Dad gives me cash to buy groceries.

I mention a trip to the grocery store like it's a special occasion! Whoa. This is getting peculiar.

I still haven't got this grocery thing down yet either. I wanted last week to have enough "stuff" to get through 2 weeks. On Tuesday, I noticed that we'd probably need cat food. Then, as I look around and made up a meal plan for what we have, I see I've got us only covered through the weekend. How do I do this? Even after I came home with groceries, I look in the fridge and see that maybe I should have gotten some milk or butter. I just suck at stocking up. I literally cannot buy more than I need for a week. For some reason, I bought more potatoes and carrots but not onions. It's the onions that are starting to go bad and that's what I should have bought.

I'm going to blame my anxiety at knowing I had to go to Walmart.

In any case, I got cat food, cat litter, and birdseed. Anything I forgot is going on a Walmart pick up list or Amazon.

Who ever thought groceries would be difficult?

STAY HOME! Only go out for groceries!
Wash your hands when you get home!


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