Global Pandemic: Day 12

What day is it?

Oh right, Friday. Better mood today but sadder news today. My county now has 6 confirmed cases and after my grocery store trip, I'm feeling like a lot of people aren't fully aware of how serious this is.

I'm going to mull over all my conflicting thoughts before I write it out. A long post may be in my future but for now I'm going to share my journal page.

It's not great. It's not great art, it's not perfect, it's not anything like I wanted it to be.
BUT I like it. I like it because it kept me calm while the Governor talked. It kept me distracted while the county revealed more confirmed cases. It kept me occupied while the sunny spring day outside made me crave seeing my sisters.

That, that right there, IS art.

This was my start. Showed this little peek on Instagram yesterday.
I am still working the Color Palette Journal. This was my random palette selected from about 290 pins on my Pinterest board.

It looks like purple corn with plenty of phallic symbolism in it, if you're looking.
But who cares? You're stuck inside at home anyway.

Wash your dang hands!
Stay home.
Figure out how big 6 feet really is, huh?


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