Global Pandemic: Day 11

I find myself torn.

Torn between guilty feelings and feelings that I'm doing the right thing.
Torn between stocking up on a lot of groceries the next time I go out (so I won't have to go out if this virus starts to pick up traction in my area) and being accused of Hoarding or denying others a share.
Torn between the Federal government's optimism and the State's dismal outlook for the next 21 days.
Torn between being selfish and being humanitarian.

For Libras like myself, life is a balance. When the balance swings out of control, we find ourselves swinging with it instead of stabilizing it. I'm going to make some choices about those things I mentioned above and I'm going to stick to them. I don't need to justify my situation to anybody (and neither do you.)

I made some cards over the last couple days and started another art journal page. Here's your dose of craftiness for today.

I found directions for this new fun-fold card and decided to go through my scraps to see what I could use up for this style of card. So you'll be seeing more of them. The card is easy enough to assemble (now that I've figured out the measurements of all the pieces I use). It's just coming up with a focal point that seems most difficult for me at this point. My mind is drifting to repetitive detail work that doesn't require much thought. I'm chalking that up to anxious feelings and worry. In any case, I'll have a stock of bases to work on later. Smile.

Stay home. Stay safe.


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