Global Pandemic: Day 10

It was a good news/bad news kinda day.

Good news: The Governor released figures that suggest social distancing in our state is working. The Apex of our wave of maximum cases looks like it may hit in 21 days.
Bad news: If we're still on the upswing of this, the numbers of people hospitalized may be the upper numbers of the projected range. Which means, we still lack vital equipment.

Good news: I didn't have to cook. My sister had some food delivered to our home. It was well received by all of us.
Bad news: My patience has been wearing a bit thin with both parents in the last couple of days. I've been isolating myself in my room to avoid hurting feelings.

Good news: I received my new credit card today.
Bad news: I can't buy anything with it.

Bad news: COVID-19 has been confirmed in my county.
Good news: We knew it was coming and we are prepared for the most part.

Good news: I feel safe when I hear the Governor talk and plan.
Bad news: I feel like I need a fallout shelter and 20 cases of canned goods when the President speaks.

Good news: I got an art journal page done today.
Bad news: I realized that the project I was working on didn't have a color in it that it requires. Starting over.

I was working in my Color Palette Journal today. Here's the palette I was working with called "Sea Hues".

And here's the page spread I did. You may have seen it on my Instagram.

Unity Stamps for quote, ship, and whale. Rubber Stamp Tapestry peg stamps for clouds and birds in sky. Quick and fun.

Stay safe and well.
Wash your dang hands.
Stop touching your face. (This is Sooooo hard for me!)
Stay Home.
If we all just buckle down and suck it up for two weeks, it'll be over quicker. Do you want to just yank the band-aid off or do you want me to pull it sloooowwwlly off your skin ripping the little hairs out as I go? Right.


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