Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Blog CPR

 Does anyone use this platform anymore?

Does anyone Blog anymore or is it all Vlogs and YouTube reels?

I have come back to this platform because I like words. Photos are great and they grab your attention, but I honestly feel more comfortable with words. 

I see that my last post was back in 2021. I would have guessed before the pandemic as it seems like I haven't posted on here for soooooo much longer than that. I suppose in the world of social media that is a very long time. 

I missed my daily journaling and my posts here. My daily art activities fell into the abyss and that's to be expected when Life and Death catch up to you. I am being vague on purpose. Information may leak into these pages, but this post is to simply test the waters. Not that it ever really mattered if anyone was listening out there when I first started this blog. But it grew and became a reservoir of my artsy beginnings. More about stuff and things.

I think for now, the blog will become a host of feelings. I have felt very introspective of late and need a repository for all those conflicting feelings and tangled hypocrisies. Perhaps, I have hit my Mid-Life Crisis. Journaling has always made me feel better, so I feel like the blog needs to step back into action. 

So, for anyone who has happened upon the resurrection of this blog, please take note: all my old posts are still here. All 500 of them. But don't expect those kinds of things anymore on a regular basis. I envision this blog to be like the script of a podcast, a talking to myself, WORDS without sounds. Mostly it will become my mind drippings and mental wanderings on whatever subjects might pop in there. It may be very opinionated. It may be wrong. It may be unpopular. It may be brilliant. It will be my own. 

Readers, you may feel free to leave a comment and while I will read them, I doubt I'll respond. Introverted people hate to converse so don't expect much engagement here. If you need acknowledgement or attention, go to TikTok or X. I'm no longer into drama. But if you insist on arguing, I'll write paragraphs of expletives and use small words so your small minds can comprehend them. This blog will not be family-friendly and curse words may be found in any post. The angrier I am about something; the more cuss words will be in it.

Other than that, I hope to be back to my sporadic posts soon. I have not set a schedule for new posts, but I hope to write one every week. Starting...Now.



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