Welcome 2020

It's been particularly quiet here on the blog but I'm going to jump back in. I'll let my first draft of this post sit awhile before I edit it and get back to it. So without explanation, I'm just going to get back to the blogging.

Every year I check on my goals and make some new ones. I went back to last year's post to see how I did and I'm not sure I did too well. But it's a different year, and I'm moving forward not backward.

Goals of 2019: Success or Fail?

1. Buy nothing.  OMG, FAIL! I failed this one in the first few months. Later in the year, I forgot this goal altogether. I can't add it to the list this year because I've already got my eye on lots of things and have purchased stuff. So yea, I don't know what I was thinking here.

2. Use up stickers. I used more this past year but I'm not within striking distance of using them up. So it's a Fail but not a big fail.

3. Do more art/craft shows.  If my tax records are any indication, I did add a couple shows to my roster this year. So Success!!!

4. Complete a new Divination Deck.  Fail! I could barely get any artwork done for anything let alone this deck. I am disappointed in myself for this one.

5. Organize a Class.  Success. With the help of a supportive sister and a friend, I did organize a class this past year. My sister and I taught a card class (with help from my other sister) at a nearby nature center that my friend directs. She needed more adult themed activities and we made some cards for Christmas. I'm hoping to reprise this role again this coming year, too.

6. Make a motherf-ing altered book! Um, FAIL. AGAIN.

Things I learned in 2019

1. Don't be too hard on yourself. Things happen for reasons in this universe. We may not understand them in the moment but later on down the line, those little moments start to make sense. I'm not sure why I thought myself lazy, uninspired, and unoriginal this past year, but someday it'll make sense.

2. Everyone needs a space.  I have mentioned before on this blog that I have 2 crafting areas. The one in my bedroom is where I make my greeting cards mostly. I keep those types of supplies in this area. I rearranged it this past year to keep things more accessible so I would use old supplies up. This area has been the most active. The other space, in the basement, has seen little use since last September. It has become crowded and disorganized. I haven't sat down in the space in a long time. That space I work on my acrylic canvases, and art journal for the most part. I will engage in some assemblage pieces when I feel particularly inspired. But I haven't been. The space is too crowded, too messy, too overrun with products that I can't ever seem to use up. I truly believe that my lack of artistic production stems from the mess of this space.

Goals for 2020

1. Clean the Art Space. As I stated above, the basement space needs a terrible cleaning and organizing. I am waiting for warmer weather and an extended amount of time off to tackle it. But I will tackle it soon. I cannot let it lie. I hope that with it's transformation, my inspiration will feel a renewal as well. Without this space, none of the other goals will have a chance at success.

2. Make a new Divination Deck.  I wish to complete the Ultra Violet deck this year. Go Me!

3. Improve my Etsy store and reach.  I'm going to try to take better photos of my products this year. I want to try to list them and tag them well. I want to try to promote them through my media channels. I sold one item this past year at my Etsy store. I need to work harder.

4. Figure out how to make crafting videos for YouTube.  I wanted to try this last year but I lost my drive. It's a stretch for this year but if the art space gets a make over, I may be able to tackle this on the down low.

5. Use up what I have and Buy minimally.  I truly need to hold to this goal this year. I am going to try to only use money that is gifted to me for new art/craft things.

6. Make an altered book or complete an Art Journal.  I'm going to set myself up for success here. I do have an art journal that is close to being done. I hope by pairing this with the altered book desire, it will be a positive motivation to do that as well.

Sorry for the long hiatus. Hopefully, there's still someone out there reading!
If not, I'm not opposed to talking to myself.


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