Halloween Sneak Peek (Part 2)

Still trying to get my butt in gear on a Halloween project that my heart seems to have abandoned.
Ever have that happen? You get all excited about a particular idea then as you start to pin it down, you lose all your momentum. That's where I'm at. But I'm hopeful I will pull it off,  just maybe not in the epic way I had envisioned it.

But I can't tell you too much more about it. Yup, it's for October. So stay tuned.
In fact, it might not be the only project that made me feel that way.

But here's a few photos of super secret projects yet to come.

That photo above is a completed project! But the artwork was done for last year's Month of October. (I really should think of a catchy name for it. Let me know if you think of something that isn't already trademarked.) I scanned in the art journal page and made an A2 sized card out of it. It's laser printed on 100 lb cardstock and the inside is blank. It will be featured in a set (along with 3 new images) at my Etsy Store. I love this art journal page for the torn paper scraps, the greeting, and mostly the unique colors for a Halloween page.

Thanks for checking in! Come back soon!


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