Thursday, June 09, 2016

Color Palette Journal: Page 3

This journal is proceeding at a snail's pace or slower.
I can't seem to get my mojo working for it but I have an idea that may assist the idea train in reaching the station.
I made the mistake on this spread of starting it and leaving off in the middle...forgetting not only the palette I had chosen but where it was heading. So I did manage to figure out a palette and got the job done anyway.

My Pinterest board contains way too many color palettes (only 235...YIKES!) but I am determined to use them for this journal. This is the palette I chose:
Indigo Petals DONE:

So here's what I got done:
The Wall:  Because this page spread was a start-and-stop kinda project, I'm not really sure of the background. I think I gessoed it but I don't know why. I think I used a Lindy's spray but I'm not sure which. I DO know that the stamps are from Lost Coast Designs, the window and door. The stone/cracked background is from my stash.

When I came back to this, I had a sandstone colored background and lots of stamping done. I wasn't sure of the palette from which I was working so I found one that fit and made it work. The purple color is in the window and a bit of the darkest blue. I then added more of the lighter blue colors into the stone.
My only color addition was the bit of yellow in the window. I just couldn't leave it white and my vision was of looking into a structure and not out of it, so I didn't want to go blue.

As I pondered what other details to add that were within my palette, it occurred to me that the window appeared open and the door was obviously closed. So I chose to just add my words and call it finished.

I'm hoping that by writing down which palettes will be next and relating the colors to ones that I have in my stash, the next spreads will be easier (and faster) to complete.

Thanks for looking!
"Open your mind, close your mouth."

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