The Dark Canvas: Finale

Step 9:  The Finale
I had a couple ideas on how to make the stars pop back out of the canvas. I decided to mix a bit of blue paint into some gesso to make a very light shade. I painted that onto the stars. Gesso was nice because it didn't completely cover the spray I ended up with some texture along with brightening them.

At this point,I wanted to go over a swath of stars with either a glitter glue or Glossy Accents. I liked the idea of the glitter glue to add that touch of sparkle to the stars but the stuff I had was no longer good. So I went with the second idea and added Glossy Accents to the stars from the tree to the top left corner.

Sorry but the photos just don't show it. (I have such a rotten time taking photos of my canvas! Guess I have to start trucking them outside for some natural light!)

So I'm calling this canvas complete! There's a few texture shots for ya to show off those ink sprays. I think I'll like this canvas more once I set it aside for awhile and come back to it!
Also finished up the Butterfly canvas and will post about that next. Was so adventurous today that I even began putting down the papers for my next 12 X 12 canvas! I'm enjoying it so much that I may never get back to doing my Art Journal!
"A wasted youth is better by far than a wise and productive old age."  ---Meatloaf, "Everything Louder than Everything Else"


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